Brews News

A blog-style, reader-contributed forum for hockey fans to share their thoughts, interact, and partake in the collective.

Want to Contribute to Brews News? See the bottom of this page for instructions.

How to Make a Monster: Bruins Powerplay Edition!
Erick Rippersen Erick Rippersen

How to Make a Monster: Bruins Powerplay Edition!

Bruins train keeps a-rollin with an 8-0-1 record to start. The SwayMark tandem looks better than ever. Matt Poitras is the undisputed frontrunner to win the Calder.

But what’s going on with this freaking powerplay?

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Happy Hour
Lanci Lanci

Happy Hour

Lanci is back from his North Carolinian adventures to bring us his weekly thoughts on the Boston Bruins as well as thoughts and feelings on the NHL and whatever else might cross his mind. And it’s definitely not The ScorchStack.

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Submit A Post to Brews News

Want to chime in to Brews News? Hell yeah.

Here’s how to submit an article to the Brews News editing team:

  1. Write up your post! We’d recommend doing this via Google Drive.

  2. Email us your document to, and our editing team will review it! Be sure to give us editing access to keep things moving quickly.

  3. Don’t forget to include your name! (or writer alias)

  4. If you’d like to submit an image with your article, include it in the email. By sending us an image, you are acknowledging that you own the rights to that image and give permission to the Brews & Bruins team to publish it in any media.

  5. Keep an eye on the site! We’ll do our best to let you know when your piece will be published.


  1. Have fun! We aren’t ESPN or NESN, and we don’t want to be. At Brews News - the weirder the better. Want to write up an article on which Bruins players would kick ass in a Space Jam crossover? This is the place.

  2. Posts that contain racism, sexism, or any form of discrimination will not be published on our site - and we may call you out for being a jerk! Brews News editors reserve the right to reject publication for any reason. (we aren’t jerks and we want you to have creative freedom - so just don’t be an a$$hole and your post should be published)